John JW Wilcox The Outlaw

Hi Folks,
I'm a Country Music DJ in Australia and play Traditional Style Country Music and Bush Ballads, I play a lot of Australian Artists but not exclusively Australian as I also play Artist from around the world. However most of the music I play is by Independent Artists for I think that we have a great many exceptional Independent Artists out there, that we never hear because they never seem to get the airplay, anyway listen in to my radio station and you be the judge.
I had best tell you a little about myself, I came from the country, my family had a property up near Tamworth and I grew up in that area, did all the usual things that makes one love the land. I have always enjoyed Traditional Style Country Music right from the time that you could only hear it in the early mornings and most was music from the USA, then later I started hearing the Australian style.
For me there has always seemed to be a lack of Independents on the radio, so when I was asked to become a Radio Presenter about 37 years ago, for the local Community Radio Station, I jumped at the chance and played the music I loved, Traditional Style and by independent artists, my listeners loved it and still do.
There have been many times that the various stations that I have D.J.'d for have wanted me to change my format and play more labelled artists or non traditional music, but no way, I was even called an outlaw by one station manager, so I adopted the name "The Outlaw"
I am looking for DJ's to become part of the radio team, so if you are interested please contact me at the email address below. As with most ventures I am always looking for sponsors and people to donate $ to assist with station costs.
I always start my radio shows with a song by Owen Blundell - "Country Music's All I Play", and finish with Slim Dusty's - "Travellers Prayer" with the following "Well folks that just about takes me out, I have enjoyed your company and bringing "Johns Country" to you, till we meet again, wherever you are ,what ever you do, you take care out there, be kind to one another, be nice to one another, but if you can't be kind or nice, please folks, don't be anything, bye for now"
Keeping it Country
John JW Wilcox
"The Outlaw"
Post Office Box 12
Phone: 0419 449 882